Sunday, 25 November 2007

While you wait...

Feast your eyes on this beautiful beast:

Modest, moi? Which question did I answer wrongly, I wonder.

I haven't read the book and won't see the film until it's shown on TV in a few years' time. This is no product placement. I just love the look of the website. (Thanks, Dove Grey Reader, for posting about it.)


  1. Another cat person: My Daemon is the Ocelot. Assertive, solitary, spontaneous, responsible and inquisitive. Not sure where the responsible part comes in, LOL.

  2. That was fascinating, dear J! My daemon had very contradictory traits --competitive, modest, a leader, assertive, shy!
    Hmm--it sounds like my personality was formed in a cuisinart!
    Thanks for posting this. I read the books and loved them and can't wait to see this movie. It looks like my eyes and spirit are in for a treat.

  3. I'm a snow leopard, Cleon. It is an interesting site.

  4. I'm nervous about the film; I devoured the books with a passion. I suspect part of my love of them is a distrust of religion which probably edges too much towards hatred. I fear that aspect will have too many of the edges knocked off it. And how exactly will they approach Lyra's under age deflowering in the third book, I wonder?
    And I seem to be another tiger...

  5. I'm nervous about the film; I devoured the books with a passion. I suspect part of my love of them is a distrust of religion which probably edges too much towards hatred. I fear that aspect will have too many of the edges knocked off it. And how exactly will they approach Lyra's under age deflowering in the third book, I wonder?
    And I seem to be another tiger...

  6. I'm an ocelot too. I highly, highly recommend the books - they are not a Harry Potter type experience at all. There is a lot more to them and the theology underpinning the story is fascinating.

  7. F, ocelots are so pretty: it's those little round ears, I think.

    L, most of us seem to be 'modest', for some reason. I'm sure it applies to you better than to me.

    TLP, I'm jealous of you too. Snow leopards are gorgeous.

    S, I don't quite know what to say to you and to L and GSE, who loved the books. They are so not my kind of thing. I can't think what would make me want to read them.

    GSE, see above. I'm sorry. Of all the subjects that don't interest me (there are a few), theology is probably the main one. But I will watch the film when it comes to my small screen. By then, I might even have developed a liking for Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig.

    As for Harry Potter, after trying for ages to find a way of explaining, when asked, why I couldn't possibly read that stuff, I will from now on use someone else's response: 'He's a little boy and he's a wizard. You've lost me already.'

  8. Hm, ocelots, snow leopards, tigers - and I'm matched with a mouse daemon called Thaleron... ("solitary, modest, responsible, leader - and therefore mouse". A bit strange... :-( )

  9. I was a chimpanzee! I don't want to be a chimpanzee! I'm not a chimpanzee. *Stamp*!

    OK, I took the test again and answered a couple of questions slightly differently. Now I'm a hare. A hare is OK.

    They both had modest, responsible and inquisitive in them. Since I answered that if I had a success I told everyone about it, I'm not sure where modest came from. Unless it's because I also told everyone when I'd made a mistake too.

  10. LJG, perhaps supernatural mice are leaders. :-)

    L, what's wrong with being a chimpanzee? They're funny and clever. Hares are nice too. Of course, I love all animals so I wouldn't mind being any of them.

    I answered like that too. I think you put your finger on it: that's why most of us are modest.

  11. I'm a snow leopard called Callum, apparently.

    I do so want to read the books. Must go get 'em from the nice bookshop down the road.

  12. can't bring myself to do the quiz thing - i fear my daemon could turn out to be a slug or maybe a sloth. generally speaking, i'd quite like to slap trilogies because i find they're often spread very thin - with enough material for two really good books but not nearly enough for three.

  13. What fun! I do appreciate your site, and my daemon was a snow leopard named Alvin... Modest, solitary, assertive, spontaneous and shy, yikes! I have some good reading to do.

  14. I have just started on the first book and am ecstatic. Just trying not to burn through them too fast...

  15. Mine's a tiger too (Romulus)! I tried three times and each time got a tiger. I can't wait to see the film, even though the books have been politically diluted. I hope it does well here in the States, even though the books aren't as popular as they are in your part of the world.

  16. Hope the film lives up to your expectations. :-)


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